We can not even deny the fact that Freelancing has now become a profitable marketplace to earn money. During the start of last year, we know people even we faced a lot of ups and downs in financial part. People lost their well-going businesses. And you know that when there is a will, there is a way. And the way is to take a new step and start earning through Online places.
Initially, people were not paying attention to it as they were considering it is totally a fraud and it's not possible to earn money like this. But now as time passes we realized that freelancing is truly the future of our youth and of upcoming generations. It sounds a bit annoying that you can earn money, let me correct my words, that you can earn a handsome amount of money through online places. Believe me or not, people are actually nailing it. As we know that people don't want to miss any single opportunity to earn money by any method.
People smelled more profit in this method and they started investing whether it is money or their time. And now if we talk about few successful freelancers, we will get to know that we missed so many things in the past from where we could earn so much profit. But we are still not late. So now let get straight to the topic. Tell me do you really want to make money as a freelancer? and if you do, believe me, you gonna rock in upcoming years. If it sounds amazing and impressive to you, then let's get some work.
Actually, when you work as a freelancer, you don't need to give answers to anybody except your client. It not only gives you freedom
to do anything you want, but it also reduces the stress of your mind to reach at the office in time and work continuously for 8 to 12 hours a day, and also give the more revenue because the more you work, the more you spent time the more you gonna earn.
By the time, you will realize that your career as a freelancer only depends on your attitude towards your work. The positive brings up more clients and will make a strong bond between you and your client. Because a positive attitude is the main door to success.
I've grabbed few tips, but you can say it the formula of being successful as a freelancer on any platform which will help you to take far away in this race of being perfect.
1- Pay Attention:
When you don't focus on your work even you have high expertise in a particular skill, My friend! you're not gonna earn a single penny from here. You should be focused on any step you will take. First, you should focus on the information that you will get from your client. When you are working, you just have to take aside everything and be focused on what you are doing. It will help you to groom your profile and definitely will earn money as well. So whenever you talk with your client, always be focused on what he is saying or what is his demand? Remember one thing, those who pay attention in this field, always get more opportunities to grow.
2- Portfolio:
When you start bidding on projects, the person who is receiving your request, I mean to say the client will always prefer that person who has a good portfolio. Let me explain what a portfolio is? The portfolio is basically your CV or you can say it a proof of your expertise that you send to your client, and he offers you the project if he thinks so or if he considers you a perfect person who will never disappoint him. You should make your portfolio first of all if you want to earn something from here.
Because you don't know your client by person and you've never met him before. Then how can you expect him to select you and even pay you even without knowing anything about you? The Client will always prefer to give his project to that person who has a good portfolio. Whenever you get a chance to win a project whether it is a big project or small, always propose your portfolio to your client as it will help you gain more points to win the project.
3- Time:
Many freelancers start their career from freelancing and then quit just because they don't get a chance to win any single project. Why is this happen? What's the reason behind it?
Actually, when people start their career in this field, they even forget how to work with patience. As we know good things always take time. And this field is all about patience and giving proper time. When you don't give your time, don't bid on the projects, and you expect to win the project by own in the initial stages, you will never ever win projects. All you have to do is to give proper time and of course wait for the right time. You have to give specific hours to your work.
Yes, of course, you will have to give proper time like the more time you give, the more you will earn, Which thing differentiates between an employee and a freelancer? A company's employee has to work continuously for almost 8 to 12 hours, but as a freelancer, you have the opportunity to divide your work into different phases. That's the main difference between these two.
If you talk about me, I always try to divide my time into two phases, the first phase is to find work like bidding onto the projects related to my niche, and then some hours of doing work on those projects which I've already got and then do some learning of new skillsets.
4- Be Honest With Work:
As we discussed earlier, people start this happily but end up without giving any solid reason. Few quit it because of lack of motivation, and few quit because of lack of managing. They can not give proper time and then leave it. It is quite easy to earn a project but it is too difficult to complete it. Because in this matter you have to fulfill all the needs that your client provides. You have to give him revisions as much you promised. If he is satisfied with your work you have to complete it again from the start. So always be honest with your work, because the review of your client matters the most.
Obviously, you can not win new projects every day or anytime, instead, by winning the trust and confidence of your clients, you can get their repeated business over a period of time.