

Rank Your Blog Posts Now By Adopting These Simple Tips And Start Earning Money - BlogsByHuzaifa


How to Rank Your Blog In An Effective Way:

Blogging has now become an efficient way to grab audience by selling your content writing skills and for earning money as well. Blogging is attracting everybody as it has now become an alternative source of income. Actually after pandemic people are usually shifting onto online market places, and businessmen also investing there as well. But for earning money through blogging, you need to take few steps just to enhance your targeted audience.

1. Consistency: 

For gaining high reach of audience, you will have to be consistent regarding your blogs. As we used to hear that "Consistency is the key to Success". And also create a lot more opportunities to rank your website.

We all know that keeping up writing two to four blog posts per month isn't an easy task especially when you're in an ownership or or working on daily wages. But it is necessary for all of you to post atleast one or two blog posts per week. It will definitely help you to enhance your audience, and of course, the more views you get, the more you earn. 

2. Choose Effective Topic:

Some important things you need to know before writing on an effective topic like you will have to check the scope of selected topic or keyword whether it is necessary for you or not. Because choosing an effective topic always plays vital role to put your websites in trending search list. So, always keep your eyes open when you select topic.

And the other way infact, I would like to say it a 'tip' that always search you keyword on google and check it out all the related searches which google provides you when you search something. Collect all these keywords and copy paste it onto you notepad. It might help you to gather more information about your topic and you'll get to know that what people want you to write.


3. Make Your Blog Simple And Easy To Read:

Always make sure to keep your blog so simple. For example use simple words which are easy to understand. Always convey your message directly through your blogs. Because the reader is not friend of yours who always listen to you whether you're right or wrong. If your content is cache and smooth he/she will read otherwise they skip everything and put a bad comment below. Language doesn't important in blog posts, you can convey your message through any language but the conclusion of your message always matters the most.  

4. Understand The Importance Of SEO:

People always make these kind of mistakes about SEO. If you are posting 5 to 6 blog articles per day with consistency and all the blogs on trending searches, but if you didn't complete the steps to build up your SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Your struggle is invain as simple as that.

Remember one thing, SEO is as important as the oxygen for human body. Because without SEO your blog is just waste of time. So if you are still running a blog without SEO, then my friend! go and do something for it as it will help you to rank your blog on top page. 

And one more thing about the SEO that you don't need to purchase anything during your initial stages. Everything is provided by the domain providers like Blogger.com and Wordpress.com. So don't worry you'll find everything under single roof.  

5. Always Use Images Related To Your Article:

Always use images related to your article when you are posting something as it enhances the quality and will drop great impact on reader because images have their own language. Images define the article as well like old days. People used to convey their message through illustrations. Images also increase the beauty of your blog as it looks so cache according to reader's point of view. So whenever you write article on any niche, always prefer putting few images related to your subject.

6. Not Too Specific & Not Too Broad:

I always observed that people fed up with so lengthy and meaning less articles. Because they don't have time to read it thoroughly if you are working on big Canvass. Let's suppose a businessman who has very busy life searching something informative onto the mobile and luckily you wrote the article according to his/her need.

But if you are just discussing about other stuff instead of real point, he/she will never come back again on your blog as they consider it so wrongly. Your Blog should not be so specific or not be so broad. So always make sure to write point to point.        

7. Always Avoid Grammar Mistakes:

As we discussed earlier that conveying your message to others in our main priority. How can we convey our message if you don't know how to express it properly. As you know English has now become a necessary language for all the world. So we should be aware about common mistakes that occurs in communication. For this problem, you don't have to worry, just use the app Grammarly, it'll help you to detect where the problem is in your sentence. 

8. Use of Social Media For Audience:

Last but not least, if you are facing this problem about not getting handsome amount of audience, you should definitely try something relevant like using social media platforms to increase audience on your blog. You can use the audience of Facebook, Instagram and other Social media platforms especially Pinterest from where you can attract your audience by posting your backlinks of you article. That's the major key to get audience that everybody try. And of course, more audience you will get, the more money you will earn.

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